Thursday, 28 October 2010

Resignation Advice

By Tamara Dowling, CPRW 

Congratulations! You were just hired for your dream job. It is time to leave your current not-so-dreamy job and boss behind you.
Before you gloat to all of your peers and tell your boss to "kiss off," read these quick tips on managing a professional resignation. Handle your resignation professionally and later you will be thankful that you did.
  1. Think about how much notice you should give. On average, people give 2-4 weeks depending on their level of responsibility.
  2. Look at your pending projects, upcoming meetings and deadlines. Create a brief plan how you'll wrap things up during your final weeks.
  3. Prepare your resignation letter. State that you are "resigning effective month/day/year in order to take another position." Avoid including anything more about the new opportunity in the letter. Definitely exclude any negative comments about your current job, or why you are leaving. Your letter will be placed in your employee file, and may be read by managers or board members. It is in your best interest to leave a favorable impression on those influential people.
  4. Do not tell your co-workers or anyone about your resignation until you inform your Manager.
  5. Always resign in person. When you meet with your Manager hand him or her a copy of the letter after you have shared the news. Be calm and respectful. Do not mention any negative reasons, even if asked. You may describe the new position, but do not brag. And, do not feel obligated to share your salary. If asked, say, "I would rather not share that."
  6. Be prepared to leave immediately, if asked. Some companies have a policy to let an employee go immediately upon resignation. Do not take it personally.
  7. Once you give notice, people will assume that you are not working as hard as you did before. You will need to work even harder to prove you are not slacking off. Continue to arrive on time or early, and put in a full day's work.
  8. Before you leave, document your personal 'desk level' procedures and the status of your pending projects. If you have a staff, obtain a 30-day plan from each staff member. Or, create one for or with them. Submit these documents to your Manager. Chances are your company won't have your replacement right away. These plans will make it so much easier for your Manager to oversee your staff after you are gone.
  9. Never say, "I'll never work in this place again." You may be back someday at this company or a partner of this company. By making those statements, even if in private, you cut off your options for the future.
  10. Avoid gossip groups. Now that you have resigned, every malcontent in the office will be at your desk to get the details. Do not be pulled into the negativity.
  11. When your employer conducts an exit interview, stay positive. Avoid all temptations to tell all the bad things about your boss and the company. It will bring no good to you, only harm. And it is unlikely to bring positive change to the employer. You are leaving, so focus on your reputation and future.
  12. Lastly, be appreciative. No matter how much you hated the job, you learned many things and probably met many valuable contacts. Express your appreciation to your Manager, your staff and those with whom you worked closely.
You may work at a company 5, 10 or 20 years. But many times you will be remembered for how you left rather than the content of those years.

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