Monday 15 November 2010

Using Twitter for Your Job Search: Top 5 Feeds and How to Use Them

 **Career job information for job seekers and find good   employment job 

 By Jessica Hanley
You may use Twitter to keep in touch with friends or follow your favorite celebrity gossip, but the social networking site can enhance your professional life as well. Because of Twitter's huge network and its ability to send messages to millions of followers, Twitter is the latest way for companies to broadcast job postings to potential employees. As a job seeker, you can follow job feeds about your industry and instantly find out when a new job is posted.
If you know of a specific company you want to work for, check to see if they have a Twitter job feed. More and more employers, from Hershey Company to MTV, realize the power of Twitter for finding top-notch employees quickly. If your search is more general, check out the following five Twitter job feeds. These feeds update frequently, offer career advice, and post new jobs every day.

Top 5 Twitter Feeds for Your Job Search

  1. @jobshouts If you're interested in job postings for multiple industries and locations, JobShouts is your one-stop shop. It updates several times a day and posts jobs for entry-level and executive job seekers alike.
  2. @StudentJobs Still earning your degree or recently graduated from a career training program? StudentJobs posts the student and entry-level jobs you're looking for, including internships in a variety of fields. The feed updates every few hours and features jobs across the United States.
  3. @medical_jobs The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects health care to be one of the fastest growing industries from 2008 to 2018, and Medical_Jobs lets you stay on top of the most recent health care job posts around the country. From nursing to speech pathology, this feed covers dozens of health care fields.
  4. @jobsintech JobsInTech is a great resource for job seekers with career training in information technology, computer science, web design, and related fields. It updates daily and includes jobs for various experience levels, industries, and locations.
  5. @TwitJobSearch Slightly different from a live feed, TwitJobSearch allows you to search recent Twitter job postings by keyword. This is a great resource if you're looking for a specific type of job or get dizzy scrolling through countless feeds.

The Dos and Don'ts of Using Twitter for Your Job Search

Twitter gives you the opportunity to connect with employers and recruiters online, but this level of exposure comes with responsibility--when you open your profile to the scrutinizing eyes of potential employers, you need to be cautious about the information you post. The following dos and don'ts should help you sell yourself to employers without sticking your foot in your virtual mouth.
  • DO create a professional profile: Your profile is a chance to make a first impression with employers, so choose an appropriate picture and use your 160-character bio to highlight your professional strengths and goals.
  • DO link to your resume: Give employers and recruiters a chance to learn more about you by linking to your resume or professional website.
  • DO post intelligent tweets: Highlight your industry knowledge by posting links to interesting articles and offering your informed opinion on issues.
  • DO proofread: In a post 140 characters long, there's no room for typos and grammatical errors. Proofread even your shortest tweets.
  • DON'T trash talk: Feel like venting about your terrible day or abrasive interviewer? Call a friend, don't broadcast your grievances on Twitter. Word spreads quickly on the Internet, and you never know who will see your post.
  • DON'T over share: Don't post anything on Twitter that you wouldn't feel comfortable sharing in an interview. Even one inappropriate post can tarnish an employer's good impression of you.
  • DON'T give away your hand: When you're interviewing with multiple companies or negotiating salary, it's wise to play your cards close to the chest. Keep interviews, job offers, and salary information private.
Using the above Twitter job feeds and advice, you can successfully extend your job search into the vast world of social networking. Create a profile that honestly represents your professional strengths, and take advantage of Twitter's broad reach to build connections. With up-to-date career advice and job opportunities, Twitter job feeds can simplify your job search and help you reach your career goals. ( jobs employment )

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