Monday 15 November 2010

Want a Really Great Job? Do What You Love

 **Career job information for job seekers and find good   employment job 

If you're considering a career change, you may have experienced this phenomenon: a gut feeling that you are not doing what you are "supposed" to be doing. We spend a great deal of our lives at work. If your job doesn't involve an idea, service, or value you are passionate about, chances are good that you will not be happy. Turn your passion into action by earning a degree in what really interests you.

Six Ways to Pursue Your Passion into a New Job

If you're not sure how your passion translates into a degree, here are six potential career paths:

1. How's your fashion sense? If Project Runway makes you swoon, get the education you need to claim your own place in the fashion world. Earning your degree in fashion design can lead to many career paths, including fashion retail, store design, fashion journalism, or even hands-on work with large style houses. A fashion merchandising degree can open the door to a career in marketing.

2. Do you want to help people? Consider a career in health care
. Many people who aren't satisfied in office jobs find their niche in health care as a second career. If you have an aptitude for science and math and enjoy a fast-paced workplace, nursing, medical or dental assisting, or health care management could be your calling. Health care is also a huge growth industry, which greatly increases the chances of finding your perfect job.
3. Do you love literature? Write it, edit it, or publish it. Get started by studying English. In addition to journalism and creative writing, polished skills in writing, proofreading, and critical thinking can lead to specialized jobs such as a copywriter, technical writer, or book editor. Earning an English degree can lead to exciting new career opportunities in a variety of industries.

4. Do you enjoy working with children?
Working as a child psychologist could allow you to help children through the toughest of times. Earning your bachelor's degree in education can open the doors to getting a Masters degree in child psychology.

5. Are you a visual artist? The notion that you have to be poor simply isn't accurate. An art degree program can help you find where your talent can best translate into a career. Animation, graphic design, and interior design are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to jobs that satisfy your soul--and pay the bills.

6. Are you a musician? Consider making it your profession. Increase your knowledge and proficiency through music courses while you learn about other facets of the music business, including producing, promotion, and sound engineering. Get as much experience as you can by performing or working in as many venues as possible. Round out your new career with a degree in business to better understand the money-making side of music.

You Won't Regret Doing What You Love

From painter to psychologist, there is a new job at the end of your degree rainbow. Pursuing an education and then a career that uses your passion leads to high job satisfaction. Online learning can open up the path to intriguing new jobs that suit your talents. ( jobs employment )

About the Author
Shannon Dauphin

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